Healthy Tips For Busy Mamas

Hi fellow mamas! As if life as a mom wasn’t already a struggle at times, with COVID sticking around (and our kids home 24/7) I try my best to maintain some normalcy for all while still making myself a priority daily with these 10 healthy tips. Look at it this way, if you aren’t keeping yourself at 100% both mentally and physically, you won’t be able to show up for your family at 100% either. So next time you’re feeling like pulling your hair out at home, and trust me girl we’ve ALL been there 😉, come back to this post to remind yourself of healthy ways to keep yourself sane and most of all happy and healthy!

P.S. a few of these tips involve your kiddos and husbands…just little tricks that help us as a family keep it 100.

1. Disconnect: I'm sure you've probably noticed I occasionally black out on social media for a day or two! I guess you could call it a media detox. I have found it to be so necessary every so often! I feel like I have to do it to remind myself of what is important + give myself a break for mental clarity. Social media can be a real mind $&*! so you have to pull away at times.

2. Mental Health Day: On the same note; once a month or so Serg, the kids, and I like to take what we call a mental day! Basically, we don't get out of bed all day and just binge on Disney movies and bad TV all day. I wear no makeup all day and eat what ever I want…It might not sound healthy BUT I beg to differ; mental health is as important as physical health. It’s all about balance!

3. Involve Your kids! The first month of quarantine we honestly could not get into a groove and I started to feel resentful that I was responsible for everything in the house! The kids were so used to leaving for school in the morning while expecting the house to be magically tidy when they got home. But now with them being home all day to make messes while trying to balance WFH life, something had to give! To fix this problem, we had a family meeting to set ground rules and new responsibilities!

4. Sit Down for Dinner: Ok let's be real, my kids are on their electronics wayyy more then they should be right now. One non-negotiable thing we try to stick to is we all sit down to dinner at the dinner table every night! No electronics or exceptions for anyone! We connect, laugh, and are all in the same mind space for that time.

5. Get Moving: I try to move my body at least for 45min a day! That doesn’t necessarily mean I do it all at once…and it doesn’t need to be a hard exercise! It can be walking our dog for 15min, dance party with the kids, a quick 15min YouTube workout, my favorite Melissa Wood Health video, or even cleaning the house! Just move your body! If you work from home, break up your day with these short breaks of movement. Trust me, it will make your day by quicker and I swear it clears my mind AND helps me stay creative.

6. Sunday Meal Plan: This may sound weird…but I love to go grocery shopping on Sunday evenings. I do the meal planning/grocery shopping for the week! It's kind of my "me" time and basically the only time I get to myself these days! It also kicks my week off to a good start with healthy choices. Also! Taking the time to plan out our meals creates so much less waste because I go to the store with a plan and stick to it.

7. Take Out! Give yourself a break once in a while and just order take! Your kids and hubby will think it’s a treat for them when really it’s a win-win!

8. Get Your Sleep Right! Ok this one is a constant work in progress but when I get great sleep I'm so much more productive the next day! Sleep has been a challenge for me so something that has been helping me is taking CBD capsules from Equilibria Women before I go to bed - use my code ‘lucyswhims’ to try Equilibria Women at 15% off your first order (my fav products are their Daily Drops and Daily Softgels - they have been life changing for me!). I swear I have been sleeping solid and not waking up throughout the night! If my mind is especially wired I'll sometimes do a wind down video from Melissa Wood Health or put on a meditation from Headspace.

9. Plan a date and/or girls night! Lately they def look a little different but we try and plan date nights at least every two weeks. Right now it means we make the kid’s dinner early and let them buy a movie to watch upstairs in our bed. Meanwhile Serg and I have a martini and listen to music in his music room downstairs! For girls night, I have a quarantine-style get together with a few friends. We take long walks with our wine to catch up. We've also done a few Zoom girls nights and that is honestly just as fun too! Make the time, it's worth it and good for the soul!

10. Self Care Time: Right now we don't get to treat ourselves to self care in the same way as usual…but I still make the effort to take that time for myself. I do my own roots these days with my favorite DP Hue Kit. I also bought this kit to do my gel nails, this one to wax myself, sometimes I mask and so on; you get the idea!

What do you ladies do to unwind and treat yourself?!