My Best Tips for Staying Healthy at Home

I know a lot of us are working on those New Year’s resolutions, or just trying to get back into a healthy routine, so today I’m sharing my top tips for staying healthy at home. It’s already halfway through January (if you can believe it) and we all know how tough it can be to stick with those resolutions, let alone surviving this at-home and pandemic situation! I’m not perfect by any means but I do think I have some good healthy habits worth sharing with you ladies!

These are some simple things I do throughout the year to keep myself on track. I also shared everything you need for those fitness resolutions in this blog post if you’re still needing to up your fitness game… something you know I’m working on right now!


TIP 1: A workout at ANY time of the day is a great workout! - I used to sabotage myself and think that if I didn't workout in the am or during the day, then it was just too late. So, I'd say to myself, “Tomorrow I’ll work out.” Now, even if it’s a quick 15-minute stretch or booty workout video, I do it even if its at 11pm before bed! And honestly, I sleep like a baby! If you’re looking for some new workout clothes to stay motivated, I shared my favorite edgy activewear in this post.

My Workout Routine

My motto is to just move my body everyday! Sometimes that means a 30-40 minute power walk with Clover! I like to do a Melissa Wood Health video 2-3 days a week, or I recently got back into the SWEAT app. I try to do this bootie workout 3-4 times a week, usually at night. It's low-impact and has targeted movements so I don’t feel like my cortisol goes up. I jump rope and hula hoop with my kids - you wouldn't believe how much I sweat! This year, I think I want to invest in a virtual personal trainer just to change things up a couple days a week and have someone push me!

TIP 2: Workout on an empty stomach - If I do a morning workout, I will always do it on an empty stomach so my body is forced to use stored energy and burn calories. This includes no coffee - but if you must have it, drink it black with a few drops of Stevia.

TIP 3: Check your sugars! - Sugar can be so sneaky and even if you think you're eating super healthy, sure enough there are hidden sugars in you creamer, bread, cereal, and even in your lunch meats! Trust me, take one week to really watch your sugar intake and you'll feel lighter! I even stick to low-sugar fruits like berries most of the time.

TIP 4: Drink cinnamon tea to curb sugar cravings - If I'm really craving something sweet at night or having trouble sleeping, I'll grab just one square of chocolate and dip it in peanut butter rather than reach for something starchy! I only eat Lilly's Chocolate because it's the lowest in sugar and extra dark so I get in those antioxidants!

TIP 5: Make your own salad dressings every week - This is such a small thing but I make my own dressing for the week so I can control what's in it AND to ensure every meal includes greens! My go-to recipe for the simplest and tastiest dressing is: olive oil, pink salt/pepper, cumin, a squeeze of lemon juice, and a few drops of truffle oil (I know bougie but SO good and a little goes a long way)!

TIP 6: Loosely practice intermittent fasting - I typically break my fast with my latte at 11am, smoothie for lunch around 2pm, a snack around 5pm, and dinner around 8pm. I know, we are late dinner eaters!

TIP 7: Limit mixed drinks! - Again sneaky carbs, calories, and sugar - all things I try to avoid a lot of. I rarely drink a margarita or mixed drink, but when I do, I make my own mixers! I try to stick to wine (Sancerre or Rose) and a good gin martini if I'm going to drink! I’m going to try and limit my weekday drinking because it definitely adds up.

TIP 8: Water, Water, Water! - My skin and body feel so much better when I'm drinking tons of water! Plus, it helps with hunger (sometimes when you feel hungry your body is actually thirsty for water).

TIP 9: Go-to Snacks and Smoothies - I do much better when I know I have something healthy to whip up, especially now that we’re eating at home SO much. TBH, we got a lot of takeout in 2020 and while I love supporting small businesses, it’s not sustainable for the wallet and for all those extra calories, you know? I’m TRYING to cook/make more stuff at home by finding easy go-to recipes I can put together in a matter of minutes. Here’s my current fave smoothie recipe (I’m a huge smoothie girl):

Cookies & Cream Smoothie from Body Love Book

Chocolate Protein Powder (your favorite kind)
1 Tablespoon of Flax Seeds or ZenBasil Seeds
1 Tablespoon of Almond Butter
1 Handful of Frozen Spinach
1/4 Cup of Frozen Blueberries
1 Cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk


I hope these tips help you as much as they’ve helped me!

XO, Lucy