My 2020 Health Update and What I'm Changing!

Brunette woman sitting in athletic wear

Happy Sunday friends! Today I am finally sharing an update on my Hashimotos and my 2020 Health Goals! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get this to you but honestly I was kind overwhelmed by the topic. First of all if you are new around here, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos that is an autoimmune condition that attacks your thyroid in 2018. It kinda turned my life upside down for a minute and was a big health scare before I was eventually diagnosed! You can read how it effected my health and relationships here!

Before I tell you what has or has not worked for me I just want to emphasize that I am NOT a doctor and I am not recommending anything, just sharing my personal experience!

Brunette woman in athletic wear

Ok, let’s quickly recap 2019. After my diagnosis I tried for a few months to treat naturally by eliminating dairy, sugar, cutting lectins (mostly in beans and tomatoes) because those are shown to cause inflammation in the body; and adding some supplements. However it didn’t work our for ME! I also tried the celery juice thing, it was really hard for me to commit! I want to emphasize for ME because I have read and heard of a lot of women healing themselves naturally. That just was not my case, I was def NOT perfect at the before-mentioned but I could no longer deal with the constant brain fog, joint pain and lack of energy so I got on medication. To be exact 50mgn of levothyroxine and I felt better immediately! That doesn’t mean that I gave up on all my natural remedies and diet changes. I figure the combination would be the best way to treat. The biggest change to my diet was sugar and dairy restriction! I noticed immediately the day after I consumed a LOT or a LITTLE of both of these my joints ached and hands and face would be swollen! :( So these are changes I am taking into 2020!

Another thing that is highly recommended when you have an autoimmune condition is to get your body moving! It strengthens your immune system, makes you more resistant to infections like common colds, reduces inflammation, helps joint stiffness, fatigue, not to mention releases good endorphins to help with mood! Basically its the freaking holy grail of natural medicine! BUT to be very candid I was not consistent at all! I signed up to some classes but wouldn’t follow through because it took so much time from my day to go back and forth. Then I tried working out from home more but also fell off the wagon there. So to be very honest with you; I haven’t worked out since September! I don’t say that with pride whatsoever because I’m basically hurting and prolonging my health diagnosis. Not to mention I feel weak!

Brunette Woman in Affrodable Atheltic Wear

Ok enough of last year, let’s talk about 2020!

I don’t want to set unattainable goals fro myself for 2020 but I do want to make changes that will make the biggest difference! The biggest change will probably be diet. If you’ve been following me for a while you know I have been doing intermittent fasting and a low CARB diet for YEARS! And it worked for me to be honest. I started eating that way after I struggled to get the last 10lbs off from my second baby. BUT I can’t help thinking that the super restricted eating schedule and food choices was also stressing my body and could have contributed to the onset of Hashimotos. I have no proof of that what so ever but just a gut feeling and since I was SO healthy in my eating choices something was a flaw!

My 2020 Game Changers

  1. I am no longer going to be scared of carbs! This does not mean I’m going to go crazy on breads and pastas but I am going to re introduce things like high fiber cereals, high fiber vegetables, complex carbs per say! I am also going to enjoy more fruit which I haven’t really allowed myself in years. But again fruits that are high in antioxidants and fiber like blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.

  2. I’m refocusing on working out again but this time I think my goal is much more attainable. I just want to move my body for 20-30min a day. That can mean a 15min walk in the am and a 15min stretch in the evening. I am also switching gears as far as my workout choices. I’ve realized that the crazy dripping sweat workouts do nothing for me mentally! I want to be more mindful and intentional about my workouts. I want to do things that will not only give me physical chances but also mental ones. So I am going to be committing myself to pilates and yoga since I think those will really help with mood, flexibility and peace of mind. Again my goal is just to move daily. A walk, stretching, pilates, yoga… I’ll just ensure that I move in someway MOST days. I’m tired of feeling guilty and breaking promises to myself about workouts. Maybe it’s just a mental thing but I feel like I can stick to this new mindset.

  3. Meditation; this has been a lond time coming! I def suffer from my share of stress and anxiety and this year I’m committing to meditation! Even if it’s just 5min a day. I have to carve out time for mental peace! And studies show that meditation lowers blood pressure, helpt deal with anxiety, creates a more productive start to your day and has all sorts of other health benefits! Any favorite meditation apps out there?? Please share!

  4. Have a more consistent sleep schedule! I am the worst when it comes to getting enough sleep and getting to sleep or fro that matter waking up at a regular time! THE WORST! Two days ago I was up until 3am working! :( And I push my wake up time as late as I can to get my kids ready for school! This ends up giving me so much stress and anxiety! So my goal is to get into a healthier 8 hour a night of sleep routine! And wake up before my kids so that I can have their stuff ready to go and have some quiet time to myself before the morning hustle starts!

So that’s where I’m at right now and what my health plans are for 2020! What getting healthy goals do you have this year?

Brunette woman standing in athletic wear

And speaking of working out; you girls always ask for more casual posts hence why I decided to style this Health Update post with some of my favorite pieces athletic from Nordstrom! I don’t know about you but new workout clothes always help motivate me and especially perfect with my new 2020 goals in mind! ;)

I wanted to make this look easy to wear from carpool drop off, to that quick workout I am committing myself to! Best part is Nordstrom’s makes it super easy to look chic at the gym or anywhere for that matter and not break the bank with affordable options by “Nordstrom Made Brands” like Zella, Treasure & Bond, Nordstrom Signature, BP, and Chelsea 28 to name some of my favorites!

Brunette woman in athletic wear

I hate to spend a lot of money on athletic wear and I love that with Zella they provide a chic, elevated on trend option whose quality rivals all the name brands out there BUT at great prices! When did activewear get so dang expensive btw!? Of course my gym look had to include my favorite color palette! Case and point my army green leggings that I’m obsessed with are under $60! You know I love army green! I paired my leggings with this super flattering sports bra that is only $39! Love the front twist detail and it’s lined so NOT see through! I decided to layer on this deep V neck sweater that I am obsessed with and is so easy to wear! I am definitely going to be wearing this for a night out look with a lace bralette peeking out!

And in case you’re like me I am sharing below a bunch of affordable Zella workout pieces that are also streetstyle approved! Hope you love!

And cheers guys, happy new year to you all and wishing you all the success in your 2020 health goals!

Besitos, Lucy

PS Thank you Nordstrom for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are always my own!

Brunette woman sitting in athletic wear
Brunette woman sitting in athletic wear

Shop My Favorite Zella Athletic Wear