Humpday Favorite Five!

Sau Lee Spring Dress Chloe Nile Bag Easter Dress.jpg

Hi Guys!  I thought I would brighten up your Hump Day by sharing some of my recent favorites!  I'll be sharing products I am loving from beauty, health, food and of course fashion finds that have really caught my eye recently! 

EVERYTHING I am sharing is NOT sponsored but truly things I love that I can't resist but sharing with you!     

If you like this kind of post, I will make this an ongoing series so be sure to let me know in the comments!!  

XO, Lucy



  1. I literally get asked about these sunglasses ALL the time, in my instagram stories, on the street, on my post.  SO I had to give them a moment!  They are are my ride or die sunglasses!  They have the look of the Celine sunglasses at a fraction of the price and if you ask me way cooler because of the matte finish!  I actually lost them and bought them again because my life was not complete without them and then I also bought the tortoise shell color!  These babies are under $60 and worth every dime!
  2.  I love discovering new designers with a special point of view and fresh perspective to fashion!  I recently received and styled This dress from the new emerging brand Sau Lee out of Hong Kong and seriously already looking to for another occasion to wear it!  This dress or really anything from their collection would be perfect for Easter and all your Spring Summer weddings!  I also love this dress and this dress is sooo beautiful!  
  3. I go gaga for killer jewelry and was recently introduced to Via Saviene and fell so hard I had to share it with you!  To me a look is not fully styled unless the jewelry is on point.  Better said, the right jewelry pieces will take an outfit from good to badass!  This jewelry does just that!  The quality is impeccable, the design is unique, every piece is standout and the price is right!  I can't stop wearing this ring, this ring and this cuff.  And now I want the entire line!  You can see how I've styled their pieces here, here and here.  XO
  4. I can't believe I am about to talk about cheese with you guys right now but I am!  I am trying to give up dairy because it is causing havoc on my skin, see more on that below.  Anyway, I can give up most dairy but the one thing that was really making me struggle was cheese!  I LOVE cheese and it's a major part of my diet so I had to find a replacement.  Trouble is most cheese alternative are awful until I found Field Roast Vegan Cheese!  This stuff is delicious and I am not missing the real thing at all!  I just ordered this spicy version and can't wait to try it! 
  5. Ok, last but not least!  If you guys follow me on Instagram you heard my share that I have been having the worst skin issues recently!  Like awful!  I think it had a lot to do with so much travel in February and eating out constantly.  Anyway, my skin was hating me.  I had dry itchy patches on my cheeks and break outs like never before, just bad skin days!  There is nothing worse for a woman then struggling with your skin!  Anyway, I changed and incorporated three things that have completely turned my skin around and I couldn't wait to share with you!  
  • I started double cleansing, total game changer!  BUT what is really the most surprising thing about this cleansing step is the introduction of these muslin cloths that have made such a HUGE difference.  I cannot tell you the difference they have made!  They thoroughly remove my makeup off, lightly exfoliate and i swear my skin looks brighter since using them!  I will NEVER wash my face without these!  I got them here for a pack of 10 for $6.99, yeass!  

  • I first heard of this miracle product, Biologique P50 Lotion, from Helena from Brooklyn Blonde (read her blog post here) who has amazing skin and really knows her stuff!  She had been using it for years and is the one product she could never do without.  I'm not going to lie, it is pricey so I was skeptical before purchasing.  So I went online to research this "miracle" product and found countless Youtube NON sponsored videos praising this stuff.  I finally decided to get my hands on it and to say I am obsessed is an understatement!  The first week of using it I could see a noticeable difference in the texture and the brightness of my skin and with no irritation!  I'm a convert and will gladly spend the steep price tag forever!  

  • After being frustrated and feeling a little hopeless about my skin I decided to finally incorporate regular facials into my life!  I am one of those people that loves a facial but never made the time to actually get them regularly.  But I am committed and have seen a definite change in my skin for 2 specific reasons from the facials.  One, I am a picker.  :( I hate it but if I see something on my face I have to attack it and having to regularly see my facialist (Urban Skincare, Larissa) for some reason made me feel really guilty about picking!  I think also knowing that she would do the deep cleansing/extracting for me and do it so I didn't scar myself was a lightbulb moment!  The second reason why the accountability of regular facials is helping me is because I am also a product junky and I was constantly changing my entire routine and probably making problems for myself.  Since seeing her we have been trying to really balance and calm my skin and also build up a tolerance to be able to do more aggressive anti-aging treatments such as acids that my skin hasn't been able to tolerate.  So if you're like me and need to be babysat like a toddler when it comes to your skin, find a great facialist and commit!  She will keep you on track and evaluate your skin from visit to visit and make minor tweaks to adapt instead of doing anything to aggressive that only wrecks havoc!