2017 Goals & Sweater Weather


Well here we go 2017, I'm ready for you!  I'm not a big fan of resolutions because I always break them!  Anyone else?  Instead I try to give myself goals to work towards.  Things that challenge me to grow personally and professionally.  Goals that stretch me out of my comfort zone.  I usually write them down and post them somewhere I can see them daily.

This years goals go a little something like this:

Be more present!  Put down my phone, turn off my laptop, listen more, cuddle more, meditate more, invite deeper conversations.  Take more risks.  Do the things that scare me because they will help me grow.  Go after the work I want not the work I get.  Travel more because discovering new places feeds your soul!  Give more.  Give in love, time and to those who have less.  Laugh and dance more, because I swear it keeps you young!  Be happy with less because what truly matters are people and special times with them not things.  Treat my body as the temple it is.  Eat clean, sleep more and move more because years go quick and someday I won't be able to do a marathon or cartwheel!  These are a few of the things that I will set my compass towards.  What are your 2017 goals? 

May 2017 give you everything your heart desires and thank you for staying with me and following my journey.




Who else is loving sweater weather as much as I am!?  These days I can't seem to get enough of these cozy knits and layering up.  Not all knits are created equal though.  Small details are what will make your knit special and take it from basic to chic.  I loved the sleeve and mock neck detail of this sweater and then I saw the price and had to have it!  It also comes in a beautiful burgundy and in ivory
