A Couple Tidbits!


I'm new to this blogging world and even though the majority of people following along at this point are my friends, I'd still like to share some tidbits about me.  Know what you're getting into in a way.  :)  And if there is anything you're curious about, don't hesitate to ask.  I'm an open book! 

We named our daughter after Jean Harlow and Nina Simone, Harlow Simone.  I learned English watching old VHS movies and Nina's voice can literally bring me to tears!  

My full name is Suyapa Lucila but I got so sick of my name getting butchered at roll call that when I was in 3rd grade I changed it to Lucy!  Short and sweet.  And I liked how the Y looked in cursive!  

I'm a skincare junky on an endless search for the fountain of youth and that glowing skin I had when I was 10.  Possible right!?  ;)  From time to time I'll share my favorites but only if I 100% stand behind them.  Feel free to share any favorites or anything you're interested in learning more about.

Soooo, I have a potty mouth.  There might be an occasional ill colored word, please don’t hold it against me. 

I always say YES to dessert!  You gotta live fully right?  I indulge like the best of them and if there is bread pudding on the dessert menu, it's all over!!

English is my second language so my spelling and grammar need some work, I promise to work on it! 

I love my girlfriends like family.  Nothing makes me happier that sharing a good cheese plate, a bottle wine and chatting it up all night with them.  Girlz rule!

I welcome feedback and any words of wisdom you might have but please be kind.  I’m a sensitive soul at the core.  

I love music and dancing!!!  Specifically R&B and hip Hop!  The kids and I have weekly dance parties to Dr Dre and Beyonce , don't worry I skip the 'Only for adults' songs. 

My idea of a perfect day is walking as a family to my favorite coffee shop; Influx for the San Diego locals; for a breakfast bite and an iced latte, some playtime at the park or a visit to the New Children's Museum, late brunch with my mister and ending the night watching the sunset at the beach. 

Cheers friends!
