10 Small Ways to Give Back this Holiday Season

‘Tis the season of giving! Now’s the perfect time to reflect and find ways to give back and brighten up someone’s holiday. There’s no act of kindness too small, and there are so many easy ways to be charitable. It doesn’t need to be a large donation or grand gesture. Below are a few small ways to give back this holiday season or year-round.


Pay it forward - The next time you’re in the Starbucks drive-thru (or any of your favorite coffee shops) pay for the person’s order behind you. It might inspire them to pay for the person behind them and create a chain of generosity! Or if you go out to dinner or drinks this holiday; pay the tab of a random stranger. It’s a ripple effect and I assure you they’ll pass the kindness.

Surprise your neighbor - Leave a box of homemade treats or a bottle of wine on your neighbor’s doorstep. It’s something simple that will show them you’re thinking of them. We also have some dear elderly neighbors so we try to always drop a holiday meal or sweet treat to brighten their holidays.

Give a toy to a child in need - There are so many children that don’t have parents who can afford to buy them gifts for Christmas, so you could really make a difference in a child’s life by donating a toy or gift. Toys for Tots is a great organization that helps collect toys for children in need - see where you can donate here. Also mosts schools will hold a toy drive for families/kids in need.

Compliment a stranger - I love this one because it’s completely free and takes almost zero effort. If you notice something you like about someone, simply tell them! Maybe it’s their smile or something they’re wearing - If you’ve ever been complimented by a stranger then you know it never goes unappreciated.

Volunteer your time - Whether it’s a beach cleanup, local food bank, or time in your kid’s classroom, we’re all strapped for time so volunteering is truly one of the most generous things you could do.

Leave an encouraging note for a family member - We might show our affection verbally, but how often do we take the time to write it down? Leave an encouraging note or short love letter to your significant other - trust me, they’ll cherish and remember it!

Support our troops - This time of year can be especially difficult for soldiers oversees. Write them a letter or send them a holiday card expressing your gratitude. Here’s where you can send it.

Thank essential workers - Have lunch or dinner delivered to essential workers at your local hospital to thank them for their self-sacrificing commitment to public health.

Help a teacher - The past couple of years have been especially difficult for teachers. If your kids are back in the classroom, donate some extra supplies to ensure they have everything they need for the rest of the school year or offer to “Clear the List”. This has been such a great initiative through Amazon and everything is shipped straight to them!

Donate to your favorite charity - If you have the means, then donate to your favorite charity. A lot of nonprofit organizations rely on the holidays for their annual funding, so don’t forget to support them!

What are some of your favorite ways to give back?