Luxe Holiday Handbags That Won’t Break the Bank

When it comes to handbags, you girls know I’m all about quality! I’d much rather invest in a luxe piece that will last for years to come than compromise on quality. Typically, designer handbags are an investment, but I recently discovered Senreve carries some beautifully designed bags that don’t break the bank! The material and design of their bags are just as good, if not better than some other designer bags in my collection! So, if you want a stunningly beautiful bag that is not only affordable, but designer quality as well, then today I’m sharing some of my favorite styles from Senreve.

I picked up this Mini Maestra Bag in a gorgeous chestnut color which goes with practically everything. What I love most about this bag is that it can be worn four different ways: as a backpack, crossbody, satchel or tote. You know I love a versatile piece – and talk about a bang for your buck!! It also comes in multiple colors and three different sizes (I got the smallest size) which can still fit an iPad or tablet, so it’s perfect for travel or meetings on the go. The largest size fits a laptop so if you’re a corporate gal or need a great work bag, then look no further! Trust me when I tell you this bag can do no wrong – the Italian leather is absolutely stunning (and comes in a vegan option as well) so for just under $700, this bag simply can’t be beat!

If you’re looking for a great gift idea (Christmas is just around the corner!) but don’t want to break the bank, then this bag would make the perfect gift – especially for someone who appreciates quality craftsmanship! Senreve also carries this chic belt bag (isn’t she a cutie?) for my girls who prefer to go hands-free. It’s on my wishlist! Below I’m sharing a few of my other favorite bags from Senreve in case you’re shopping for someone special this time of year – or yourself – wink-wink!


Thank you, Senreve for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.