At Home Happy Hour!


Happy hour looks a little different right now during these crazy times but that doesn’t mean you should skip it! Today I’m sharing how Serg and I create our date nights in. It’s so important to find new ways to stay connected with your partner even if that means getting creative at home. (More things we do to stay connected here) So this weekend pick out a cute outfit, throw on your favorite heels, and enjoy a date night in!

We do happy hour every Friday usually! We started doing this after a dear friend of us told us the story of how her parents have been having their “Martini Fridays” for 40 years! That they would get dressed up, put on some jazz, shake up some martinis and dance! SO freaking cute right? I mean if they’ve been married for over 40 years and it’s working for them then we should do it too right?! That’s where Martini Friday started for us and it’s honestly been so special for us! If you don’t have a partner no worries; have a martini night with your room mates or bestie! Just the act of sassing up the night is a treat, especially right now!

It’s important to us to make time for each other without the kids from time to time. What works for us is bribing the kids with a movie, take out, candy whatever and basically sequestering them in their rooms! (The only time I allow food upstair btw, I’m a psycho about that rule!) so my husband and I can have one on one time. We look forward to our at home happy hour throughout the week, and make sure to make the effort to get dressed up, full makeup the whole thing! Makes these times feel a little bit more normal!


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Now first things first: martinis! We are a gin household, much smoother them vodka in my opinion! Plymouth if you want to be specific! Always blue cheese loves BUT fresh! Make him stuff the olives 😜 SO much better! While Serg stuffs the olives I like to put together a cute cheese plate for us and voila date night is set up! My husband is a musician so I let him pick the music or DJ which is always fun! Sometimes we just talk or even play chess or cards! Sounds maybe silly but boozy cards can be fun!

And just in case you haven’t gotten your at home bar situation sorted yet I’m sharing some favorite details for you! This can be a really fun home project to motivate your Friday Night martini nights! And perfect timing for holiday when I think we’ll be doing intimated celebrations!

Cheers, ladies!


Friday Martini 🍸

  • Plymouth Gin

  • Dry Vermouth

  • Good Blue Cheese

  • Rosemary Sprigs

  • ICE

  1. Rinse your martini glasses in water and pop them in the freezer while you prep other ingredients! Trust, makes a difference!

  2. Stuff olives with fresh Blue Cheese

  3. We have rosemary bushes in our back yard so we like to skewer ours with rosemary springs! Adds a little fresh scent to you martini and presentation is everything!

  4. In a martini shaker add 2 shots of gin with ice and a tiny splash of olive juice and shake vigorously for a minute.

  5. Pull out your chilled martini glasses and do a quick rinse of dry vermouth and dump it out! Make sure to dump because it’s a super strong flavor! All you need is a tiny coat on your glass. This vermouth step is optional since some people don’t love.

  6. Pour your martini and pop in your prepped olives and enjoy!

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Photography by @kristinamoto