Life Lately

Hi ladies! Hope you are all having a great week. I wanted to change up the content of this blog post a bit to share more of a personal part of my life. I think social media can be so incredible to bring people together and to educate/inform each other. I hope this platform gives you more then just my passion for fashion. I hope it also gives you some insight as to who I am as a person and some of the struggles I go through too. To show that life is not always perfect because it’s not. I recently shared on my stories that I was having some health concerns and I received so many comments, suggestions and questions that I decided to write a blog post to give you more insight as to what I’ve been dealing with.

Life lately has been hectic, specifically I have been dealing with some health issues that have scared the hell out of me TBH! Ok before I get started on this let me preface by saying that I am FINE! And will be fine but I want to share this recent struggle in case it hopefully helps and reaches someone else going through something similar.

For the last year I haven’t felt quite right physically, mentally, emotionally. I wasn’t really sure how to vocalize it until recently but some of the things I was struggling with was a lot of fatigue, brain fog to the point of confusion sometimes. Joint pain in my hands and fingers and at one point I couldn’t bend my fingers and it was a struggle to get out of bed! Anxiety and a feeling of being overwhelmed a LOT. I’ve been super moody and short tempered; this was really effecting my marriage and my family life sadly. I’m embarrassed to say that I snapped at my babies one too many times. My husband actually said to me recently “I just want to make you happy”. God imagine the guilt! :( To be honest I tacked it all to having a lot on my plate and needing more sleep mostly because I was scared to see a doctor! I hate going to see doctors! Then about three weeks ago my tongue swelled up so badly that I was having trouble speaking. The inside of my mouth was sore, swollen, red, and dry like the Sahara and it was hard to eat! It almost felt like I had burned the whole inside of my mouth severely.

I thought initially that maybe it was an allergic reaction but when it didn’t go away for almost a week, I went in to see my doctor finally. We performed a ton of different blood test and let me tell you those weeks of not knowing where the most fearful of my life. I am totally that person that thinks of the worst possible outcome and having two little babies just put me into a panic! She finally gave me the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Disease. After learning about my diagnosis and learning that it is completely treatable and the symptoms I’ve been having aren’t in my head.

For anyone that is not familiar with Hashimoto’s Disease it is an autoimmune condition that attacks your thyroid. In my case it has caused hypothyroidism or sluggish thyroid function and all the symptoms I mentioned. Like I said, I am FINE and am on medication to help treat it. I am also taking an active role by changing my diet and trying to be super aware of my body. Listening when my body is tired and just resting. I have cut out dairy, gluten and anything else that causes any inflammation in the body. Again on Instagram I opened it up to hear from you and I was overwhelmed by the amount of information you ladies gave me! So many books, doctors and treatments that have and have not worked for you. I really want to share all this info with you but I think it would be irresponsible for me to do so without first doing my homework. So I am going to compile all this info and share as I learn more. Stay tuned for some follow up posts and please share anything else that is working for you if you are dealing with this same condition. Leave me a comment or drop me an email, I am reading EVERY message and am so grateful!

In closing I am just thankful that it wasn’t anything more serious and take this as a reminder from the universe. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!! For anyone out there feeling off in any way, listen to your body. Don’t wait as long as I did, you never know how much better you can feel or what your body might be telling you.

XO, Lucy

TOP: Petersyn Clothing Top here in white on SALE and obsessed with this one

JEANS: Levis here and similar on SALE here

SHOES: Christian Louboutin similar here

HANDBAG: Gucci Dyonisus here

BELT: Marissa Webb here in burgundy