La La Land


I love a girls trip like no other!  I think it necessary to keep my sanity.  Don't get me wrong, I adore my littles and hubby so much but that time away is a space for me to be Lucy, not mommy, not wife, just Lucy.  I don't have to have eyes in the back of my head to avert accidents.  I don't have to perfectly plan naps and coordinate dinners.  No constantly cleaning up spills and Cheerios from every surface.  It's such an important time for me to reconnect with my dear friends.  We all lead busy lives and taking this time to share some laughs and explore new places is priceless. 

I think it's healthy for my marriage too.  I miss my hubby so much after just a night away that I appreciate him that much more at my return.  Serg and I have always been in agreement that we can and should independently take little trips here and there.  Do things that inspire us and that we each enjoy with our friends.   

Recently I took a little getaway to Los Angeles with two of my best girlfriends.  I live in San Diego so this is an easy trip that doesn't require a lot of planning.  I've spent a lot of time in LA, I lived there for about a year but it has changed so much!  Especially downtown LA, this trip was all about exploring that area.  We had such a wonderful time and can't wait to go back.

What also made this trip interesting was that we decided to take the Amtrak train up instead of driving and now I'm hooked!  It was so much easier then driving and such a beautiful view of the coast.  Anyone that has done the drive into LA knows that it's a painful drive no matter what time of day, traffic is a beast!  I highly recommend this mode of travel on your next trip to the "City of Dreams" and the Union Street Station is such a beatiful Art Deco building that I could get enough photos of as you can see.  ;)

Here are a few of my favorites from our trip.

Cheers Angelica and Barb, can't wait for our next adventure!



The Standard Hotel poolside is always a perfect morning view...

The Standard Hotel poolside is always a perfect morning view...

Don't miss a visit to Bottega Louie for a beautiful dessert treat!  And if you're into macaroons, this is your dream come true.

Don't miss a visit to Bottega Louie for a beautiful dessert treat!  And if you're into macaroons, this is your dream come true.

Love these ladies!  xo

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